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The California Nations Indian Gaming Association (CNIGA) is a non-profit organization made up of federally recognized tribal governments that was created in 1988. CNIGA represents 61 tribal gaming operators in California and is dedicated to defending Indian gaming on federally recognized Indian territories. On behalf of its members, it functions as a planning and coordinating agency for legislative, policy, legal, and communications initiatives, as well as an industry forum for information and resources.

The organization’s particular goals are to promote, defend, and maintain Indian tribes’ general welfare and interests by establishing solid laws and practices for the conduct of gaming activities in Indian country. CNIGA also assists Indian tribes and the federal government by offering technical support relevant to the Indian gaming business whenever such assistance will benefit the association’s members and the Indian gaming community as a whole.

The organization also disseminates information to the Indian gaming community, the federal and state governments, and the general public on topics relating to the conduct of gaming in Indian territory, as well as maintaining, safeguarding, and campaigning for Indian tribal sovereignty.

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History of CNIGA and Economic Impact

The United States Supreme Court recognised Indian tribes’ inherent right to offer gaming on tribal territory in 1987. The Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (“IGRA”) was established the following year, providing the legal foundation for tribal governments to engage in gaming as a means of encouraging tribal economic development, self-sufficiency, and strong tribal governments.

The IGRA requires Indian nations to negotiate with states about the types of games that will be played and how they will be regulated, while also ensuring that tribal governments are the sole owners and primary beneficiaries of Indian gaming. It also recognises tribal gaming as a means of promoting tribal economic development.

In California, tribal government gambling continues to be a positive economic engine. Tribal government gambling generated $7.8 billion in economic production in 2014, according to Beacon Economics’ most recent Economic Impact Study. Tribal casinos spent $4.0 billion on products and services, resulting in another $3.8 billion in secondary expenditure by casino suppliers.

Tribal gaming and non-gaming activities have an expanding favorable impact on California’s labor markets year after year.

Tribal gaming operations, provided around 56,100 jobs statewide in 2012; in 2014, tribal gaming operations supported approximately 63,400 employment statewide.

In 2012, tribal non-gaming operations provided 14,800 employment across the state; in 2014, tribal non-gaming operations supported 21,300 jobs across the state.


SiGMA has become an Associate Member of the California Nations Indian Gaming Association (CNIGA), a US tribal gaming organization. The organization is oneof the largest and most active tribal gaming associations in the United States, supporting 40 tribal gambling operators in California.

Additionally, the company is assisting tribal governments and CNIGA member tribes in promoting gaming in Indian countries by bringing international experiences from the gaming, emerging technologies, and digital marketing sectors, as well as best practices from around the world, to Indian territory through a variety of educational opportunities and workshops.

Commenting on this partnership, VP Growth and Strategy for SiGMA Americas Nicole Fields stated that SiGMA is honored to serve as an Associate Member of CNIGA, and support and promote each member tribe’s initiatives they are working on for today, and future generations.

SiGMA looks forward to bringing its international experiences, world-class education programming, and networking events to the members of CNIGA.

SiGMA has a decade of expertise organizing high-end conferences, panels, and workshops with internationally recognised professionals and thought leaders. When it comes to cutting-edge content and information sharing, SiGMA’s reputation for excellence has placed the brand at the forefront of change.

When asked to comment about this partnership Chairman James Siva said that they are very pleased to count SiGMA among their Associate Members. Having SiGMA as part of CNIGA helps protect the industry and strengthen their association.

SiGMA will support Indian country initiatives as part of its job, by supporting the critical work that CNIGA is doing to defend Indian gaming – whether through legislation, policy and legal actions on behalf of its members, or tribal economic development.

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